Cyber Threat Intelligence Maturity Platform
Your guide to strong Cyber Threat Intelligence"

Mark Luchs
PhD Candidate, Delft University of Technology
Worker bee at Cyber Threat Intelligence Lab
My vision is a world where cyber security solutions are designed based on fact-based knowledge, where a strong understanding of the threat landscape drives an optimal use of resources while reducing ones cyber risk profile. To help organisations build a strong intelligence program I designed CTIM, the Cyber Threat Intelligence Maturity Model, the core behind the CTI Maturity Assessment Platform.
Throughout my studies into Mechanical, Maritime, and Offshore engineering I have been interrested in cyber security and privacy topics. My education and interest in cyber security merged into my MSc Thesis project: Last line of Defence: Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems. Afterwards, I joined the Cyber Threat Intelligence Lab at the TU Delft with a vision to contribute to the cyber security posture of the Maritime Industry. Since starting the PhD adventure my focus has extend to include all organisations, where I am wanting to better understand the state of their Cyber Threat Intelligence adoption within, working towards building stronger CTI programs.
E-Mail: mark -AT- luchs -DOT- nl

Christian Doerr
Professor, PI of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Lab
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
I work in the broad area of network security and critical infrastructure protection. My research focus is designing resilient network systems, localizing and estimating current threats through real-time situational awareness in networks as well as conducting threat intelligence on adversaries.
Prior to joining, I was at the University of Colorado, USA, where I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Cognitive Science. While most of my work focuses on technology, I also integrate socio-technical aspects of cyber security with this background in my research.
E-Mail: christian -DOT- doerr -AT- hpi -DOT- de
At TU Delft
E-Mail: c -DOT- doerr -AT- tudelft -DOT- nl (PGP Public Key)

Jan van den Berg
Emeritus Professor Cyber Security, Delft University of Technology
Scientific Director, Cyber Security Academy The Hague
Super Rotterdam Marathon Master
Having finalized my secundary school in Dordrecht (Gemeentelijk Lyceum, gymnasium-B ) in 1970, I studied mathematics and physics at the TUDelft while being active in the national student movement. In 1977, I received the diplome of Mathematical Engineer.
From 1977-1989, I lectured courses in mathematics, physics and computer science on institutes of higher education in Breda and Eindhoven, and mathematics and physics at the secundary school of Nampula, Mozambique.
From 1989-2006, I worked at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam. There, I lectured courses in computer science and economics, and did research in many fields, especially in computational intelligence, with applications in combinatorial optimization, finance, agriculture, philosophy, bibliometrics, among others. My PhD-thesis entitled "Neural Relaxation Dynamics" was finalized in 1996.
From 2006 up till now, I worked at TUDelft again, mostly on topics related to (Big) Data Analytics and/or Cyber Security. On July 9 2013, I was appointed as full professor Cyber Security at this university both at the faculty of EEMCS and that of TPM. June 2015 I have been appointed as full professor Cyber Security at Leiden University as well.
E-Mail: j -DOT- vandenberg -AT- tudelft -DOT- nl